Our investment, trading and currency calculators can help you make more of your money by reducing your costs and ensure you are not being overcharged for financial services.
Trading Cost Calculator
Use our trading cost calculator to compare how much it will cost you to trade with different brokers. You could save thousands.
Compare Trading CostsCurrency Quote Calculator
Use our currency quote request tool to compare quotes from multiple currency brokers and get the best possible exchange rate for your currency transfers.
Compare Currency QuotesSipp & Pension Calculator
You can use our pension returns calculator to estimate how much money you will have after investing for your retirement.
Calculate Pension ReturnsShould Have Bought Shares Calculator
You can use our calculator to see how much money you would have if you bought shares in companies instead of their products.
Calculate Spending Vs SharesFX Mark-up Calculator
You can use our exchange rate mark-up calculator to see how much commission a currency broker has charge for converting currency.Β
Calculate Currency CommissionJISA Returns Calculator
You can use our JISA returns calculator to see how much you can save when investing for your children when they turn 18.
Calculate JISA ReturnsStocks & Shares ISA Calculator
Use our investment ISA calculator to see how long it would take you to become an ISA millionaire based on your expected returns in the stock market.Β
Calculate Investment ISA ReturnsPersonal Loan Calculator
Use our personal loan calculator to see how much it will cost you to borrow money based on different interest rates and time scales.
Calculate Personal Loan RepaymentsMortgage Calculator
Use our mortgage calculator to see how much it will cost you to borrow money based on different interest rates and time scales to buy a house.
Calculate Mortgage Repayments