Can you invest internationally with Interactive Investor?

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US Large Caps

You can trade in international stocks and shares with Interactive Investors and you can check if stock is available by typing the name into the search for an investment box on the II website and it will return any matches from the list of securities that Interactive Investors offers.

Account-holders get one free trade per month and each subsequent trade costs Β£7.99. The only other charges are for any FX conversions required to settle the trade or to convert sale proceeds back into sterling for example.

You can trade shares from across Europe and North America as well as Asian markets such as Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. The coverage is not as extensive as that offered by some rivals for example Hargreaves Landsdown, though their charges are likely to be higher than II’s unless you are trading 20 times a month or more.

Compare Interactive Investor against other accounts for buying US stocks

US Stock Buying PlatformUS CommissionFX RateAccount FeeISACustomer ReviewsMore Info
Interactive Brokers US Stocks0.5 cents per share0.02%$0βœ”οΈ
(Based on 934 reviews)
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Saxo Markets US Stocks0.015 USD/Share (min. 1 USD)0.25%0.12% - 0.08%βœ”οΈ
(Based on 73 reviews)
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eToro US Stock Investing$00%-1.5%$0❌
(Based on 277 reviews)
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AJ Bell US Stocks Β£3.50 - Β£50.75% - 0.25%0.25% (max Β£3.50 per month)βœ”οΈ
(Based on 1,094 reviews)
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Capital at risk
Hargreaves Lansdown US StocksΒ£5.95 - Β£11.951% - 0.25%$0βœ”οΈ
(Based on 1,758 reviews)
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Capital at risk
Interactive Investor US StocksΒ£3.991.5% - 0.25%Β£4.99 - Β£19.99 per monthβœ”οΈ
(Based on 1,119 reviews)
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Capital at risk
IG US Stocks Β£0 - Β£100.5%$0 - $96 per yearβœ”οΈ
(Based on 678 reviews)
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