Interactive Brokers Reviews: Complete Control For Beginners & Professionals

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Interactive Brokers is an exceptional trading platform that offers institutional-grade trading capabilities to private clients around the world. IBKR has some of the lowest trading and investing fees and the widest market range in the industry.
Richard Berry
Richard Berry
Good Money Guide Founder

Interactive Brokers Customer Reviews


934 Good Money Guide users have given this provider a review rating of 4.4 out of 5 based on their genuine experience.

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ISA FX Commission 0.015% vs 1% or more elsewhere – unbeatable for UK investors

1st March 2025

I have Stock & Share ISAs with several well known platforms. I also have non-ISA trading accounts. Here I want to specifically commend Interactive Brokers for breaking the ‘cartel’ pricing of FX within ISAs.

ISAs can only hold GBP, so anyone investing in foreign listed assets has to pay FX commission on every purchase, sale and dividend. The FX commission elsewhere is usually between 1% and 1.5% for trades below GBP5k, the % gradually reducing in a tiered manner as the trade value increases until settling at 0.25% for trades over GBP25k; with IB it is 0.015% irrespective of trade value. Example: buying GPB5k of a NASDAQ stock with most ISA platforms costs at least Β£50 in FX commission; with Interactive Brokers it costs Β£0.75. It’s the same again when you sell, so Β£100 FX for the round-trip elsewhere vs Β£1.50 with IB. Plus, IB offers the full range of order types for ISA trades; none of the “At Best” only nonsense of other ISA platforms.

IB’s Trader Workstation trading platform is excellent and can be used for both ISA and non-ISA trading.


Trader workstation -the best trading platform out there

28th February 2025

I have been using Interactive Brokers and Trader workstation for over 10 years now. It is my much preferred trading platform and has an amazingly wide array of trading vehicles. It can seem over facing in the beginning but once you know your way around it is the best.

David M

Excellent trading tools

25th February 2025

Excellent trading account.

Very good mobile apps.

Vladimir Popov

Excellent value for money and product but very poor customer service

24th February 2025

Excellent value for money in terms of the cost of services (including trade commissions and currency exchange) quality of trade execution, algos you can use to trade, research material available, and even the functionality of the website, mobile app and trader workstation (but it takes some getting used to). The cost of competitors seems a little deceptive to me because some competitors offer zero commission but it seems to me their execution is not as good, and so if I save Β£20 or $20 but pay $500 more for the cost of the shares that’s not a good deal for me. However, IBKR customer service is appalling, really bad. They just flat don’t answer messages, and if you call they can rarely resolve anything except the simplest issue, and it takes having to escalate to get any kind of response. it is truly astonishing how a company with such good products and pricing have such a bad customer service culture, and the US customer service are the worst because they are often aggressive, dismissive and sometimes b ordering on rude.


Always Delivers

24th February 2025

I have a small trading account with IB which I use to access the US market and have found their systems and processes relatively easy to use and the filling of my buy/sell orders to be seamless.

I would recommend them to small investors looking to dip their toes in other markets.

Mr Gary D Langton

The best product in the UK

23rd February 2025

The TWS platform is superb with streaming prices and trades. The news service is excellent with access to Dow Jones’s and Refinitiv news wires amongst many others. Live option prices and plenty of customisation opportunities puts it in a different league from the pitiful options available from the UK platforms. Just a shame that they don’t offer full service SIPPs

Stephanie Butler

Exceptional service!

22nd February 2025

The customer service is excellent anytime I’ve called for any queries. The mobile app is very user friendly and easy to use.

Dhiren Hirani

There is no comparison

22nd February 2025

I have yet to find a comparable trading account to interactive brokers. No one comes close in terms of the breadth of securities or transparency of pricing.

Seb Tarr

Very convenient for global investments

21st February 2025

The platform offers a wide range of products with a wide geographical coverage, probably the best for individual investors. The trading costs are also very competitive.

C Wong

Excellent trading platform

21st February 2025

I have a margin account allowing me to day trade as well as my main trading type of swing trading. The platform is great to use, trades are executed extremely quickly with low commissions.


Interactive Brokers Expert Review

Interactive Brokers Expert Review: Unbeatable Platforms & Low Costs

Is Interactive Brokers any good?

Yes, Interactive Brokers is simply unmatched in terms of market access, account types and execution options for retail traders. It always has been and remains one of the cheapest trading and investing platforms globally.

Interactive Brokers is an exceptional trading platform that offers institutional-grade trading capabilities to private clients around the world. IBKR has some of the lowest trading and investing fees and the widest market range in the industry.

Pricing: Top marks as IBKR don’t charge a custody (account) fee and commission are the cheapest around

Market Access: Top marks again for the widest selection of markets available

App & Platform: Hard to beat – excellent range of institutional grade execution tools and simple apps for beginners

Customer Service: IBKR let themselves down a bit here. If you are a big customer you get an account manager, otherwise online support is slow

Research & Analysis: Some of the best education, screeners and market data for free on their website and integrated into IBKR platforms.

I’ve used Interactive Brokers for about 20 years now. I’ve interviewed their founder (Thomas Peterffy), their UK MD (Gerry Perez), they’ve been a competitor (when I was a broker myself), a customer and a partner over the years. I’ve traded live with real money when thoroughly testing their platforms.

This included an in-depth conversations with their Head Of Product (Steven Sanders) to get inside insights on the best parts of the platform and services that some clients may not know about. In this review, I lay out my verdict on Interactive Brokers as an industry expert so you can decide if they are the right investing and trading platform for you.

There is one thing that Interactive Brokers gives you above all other brokers, and that is control. You can invest and trade in pretty much anything you want, in pretty much any account type, pretty much how you want.

If you are not familiar with Interactive Brokers (IBKR) they are American, but global, as most American things are, with the notable exception of their news, which always seems to be local. But I digress, IBKR was one of the first brokers to offer electronic trading to the masses. They were founded in 1978 and if you want to know more about the man who founded them and is still running the show, read my interview with Thomas Peterffy, the founder and chairman.

Highlights:Β The key things to focus on if you are considering opening an account with Interactive Brokers is that:

They are cheap:Β No other investment or trading platform can match their discount commissions, FX rates and zero account charges

Huge market range:Β IBKR offer by far the best access to global stock exchanges around the world

They innovate and create :You can invest in so many different ways through IBKR, from their beginner IBKR LITE apps, to their institutional-grade desktop workstation trading platform. They have some of the most advanced and easy-to-use features available to private investors.

Interactive Brokers Account Types: IBKR offer by far the most types of accounts globally including regular investing account, active trader accounts, direct market access, futures, options and fractional stock trading

You can also earn money on your cash, you can buy bonds (high and low yielding), buy warrants, partake in placings, vote on company corporate actions. You can convert currency at 0.2%, which is cheaper than most specialist currency brokers or money transfer apps.

Foreign Exchange:Β Which actually segues me nicely to prove my control point. With most brokers you have to choose an account base currency (if you are in the UK that is probably going to be GBP) and when you trade, no matter what currency an asset is traded in your P&L will be converted to that base currency. But with Interactive Brokers you can run your account in multiple currencies.

So, if you put in GBP and trade the S&P for example, your P&L will be in USD. If you buy USD stock you get the option to attach a currency conversion to the transaction so you can convert exactly the right amount to cover the purchase, or you can choose to run a deficit in USD.

It’s not such an issue for small traders, as currency exposure, whilst important to be aware of, isn’t the most pressing matter. But if you are running a net flat long/short global macro portfolio, then keeping on top of your currency exposure could be the difference between making money or not.

Desktop Trader:Β Through ScaleTrader, (one of the founder’s favourite features) IBKR also gives you some very advanced order functionality, the sort you usually only get with professional trading systems like Fidessa (for stocks) or TT (for futures).

If you’re building a big position and don’t want the market to know you’ve got a big order to work, IBKR’s order ticket will let you gradually feed that into the market (but only charge you for the single order).

You can automatically drop bids and offers into the market based on time and price to take advantage of volatile markets. You can also set it to scalp for quick profits in choppy markets.

Testing IBKR's trading platform

Pairs Trading:Β You can trade one stock against another automatically by spread, percentage or price.

Why is that important? Because it can help you build a market-neutral portfolio and when we asked the boss of IBKR the habits he saw in his most profitable customers, (referring back to our interview with him for the third time) he said the ones that traded one stock against another, often did well.

Interactive Brokers Universal Account:Β You can of course do these things with other brokers, but what you can’t do is do them all in one place.

For this review, I spent a while talking to Steven Sanders, IBKR’s head of Marketing & Product Development, and he said in the twenty years, he’s worked for Interactive Brokers the thing he’s most proud of (other than it being founder lead and therefore very little red tape when you want to get things done) is the implementation of the Universal Account, where everything is done from one account.

What’s amazing to me is that nobody else really offers it. Ten years ago when I was a derivatives broker at Man Financial, we offered everything that IBKR did, but all on separate platforms. We have a couple of big accounts, Β£20m upwards, that we were always trying to lure back from IBKR with our personalised voice brokerage where you could phone us up we’d take care of your complicated orders for you.

But times change, there is still demand for bespoke voice brokerage, but not as far as Interactive Brokers are concerned. They do offer it from specialists desks if needed, but most trading and investing is done online.

Demo Account:Β Interactive Brokers does have a demo account, but they call it a free trial instead. This is odd, because you don’t actually have to pay to have an account with IBKR. In fact, Interactive Brokers is one of the only trading platforms that does not have a custody fee for investing in a GIA, SIPP and ISA.

If you want to know more about that, you can listen to my podcast with Gerry Perez, the UK MD, who explains, how they offer such amazing market access for such little cost.

You get a cool $1m to paper trade with on the Interactive Brokers demo account or ‘Paper Trading version’ as they call it. You get access to the easy-to-use investors portal and the more complex IBKR TWS provides delayed market data, simulated trading and access to all of our unique tools and offerings, including the IBKR Risk Navigator, the Volatility and Probability Labs, Portfolio Builder, Research and News.

But, to be honest, I didn’t find the demo account very good. Lots of information was missing and I couldn’t place a trade. I’m not sure why, and actually, that’s going to be a bit of an issue for Interactive Brokers because demo accounts are a great way to get client’s interest. In a world where so many brokerages a vying for the same business, even small hiccups like that can cause a massive drop off rate in opening an account.

Interactive Brokers Demo Account

Usually, IBKR’s technology is first-rate, but the demo account isn’t up to scratch. I didn’t use the paper trading account, just the live trading platform with real market orders.

Customer Service At Interactive Brokers:Β It’s not all great, it takes a while to get through on the phone to customer service, and it has a slightly outsourced feel about it (if you know what I mean).

The desktop trading platform, despite its exceptional functionality, is also a bit ‘Windows 95’. But if you don’t need all the bells and whistles, the web based platform, or app has a more modern feel to them.

Options Strategy Builder:Β Options trading is gaining in popularity in the UK, mainly because of the press attention they derived from meme stocks (where US traders punt via options). But they are still a very complicated product. So what Interactive Brokers has down is create a Strategy Builder product, that essentially reverse the process of putting on options strategy trades.

You tell Strategy Builder what you think the market is going to do. For example, either, go up, stay still, not move for a while, or volatility will increase and it will create an options strategy around that. Instead of you having to know what strategy to put in place or working out the individual options legs.

IMPACT Ethical Investing:Β In tune with moving with the times, Interactive Brokers has also released the IMPACT app to help people investing in ESG and impact sectors, so they can put their money to good.

You can see the IMPACT dashboard on desktop, but it also operates as a standalone app that connects directly to your IBKR account and scores your portfolio based on how ethical the stocks you hold in it are. Ratings come from FactSet and Refinitiv, and there is this excellent feature that allows you to swap into more ethical stocks.

If one of your holdings is flagged as not that ethical, the app will suggest another one and at the click of a button, it will sell your shares and calculate how many new shares of a more ethical but similar company to buy and do it all for you. If you’re in the US, you can also make charitable donations directly on the app.

Interactive Brokers For Beginners:Β There is no doubt that Interactive Brokers is a proper trading platform, for those who know what they are doing and cater mainly to the more sophisticated investor. But they are making an effort to open their services up to the newer breed of investor and trader.

It’s standard now among many fintechs, but IBKR were actually the first to offer no commission trading. They also offer fractional shares through IBKR LITE and IBKR Pro accounts and have removed the monthly minimum account charge.

The hope of course is that by onboarding investors when they just start, they can look after their investments for the next 40 years, just as they have been doing for their existing clients for the last 40.

Interactive Brokers runs a Student Trading Lab where students from 600 schools and universities take part in a $1m paper trading account for the purposes of getting a better understanding of the markets. No broker these days can tell you what to buy or sell, but IBKR GlobalAnalyst helps you hunt out undervalued opportunities, across the world, not just in the US.

IBKR offer a Trading Academy, podcasts, webinars and blogs for beginners and experienced traders so that new customers survive the markets to become long-term clients.

Plus, they are cheap.

24-Hour ETFs At Interactive Brokers:Interactive Brokers has a list of 24 selected ETFs available to trade around the clock from Sunday evening, east coast time, through to the close on Friday, by adding these funds to its US overnight trading facility.

Clients who are permissioned to deal in US stocks, are able to trade these ETFs 23.50 hours a day, five days per week, allowing them to react to news stories, macroeconomic and geo-political events as they happen, rather than waiting for US markets to open.

The trading hours and ETFs are available to both retail and institutional clients alike and are traded via the firm’s IBEOS system. Trades can be submitted using multiple order types.

The range of ETFs is pretty broad and includes firm favourites such as SPY, QQQ, DIA and IWM, which track theΒ S&P 500,Β Nasdaq 100,Β Dow 30 and Russell 2000 indices respectively. You can also short those indices by trading the SH, PSQ, DOG, and RWM inverse ETFs.


  • Very low dealing fees
  • Wide market range
  • Direct market access
  • Complex order types


  • Customer services can be slow
  • No financial spread betting
  • Pricing
  • Market Access
  • Apps & Platform
  • Customer Service
  • Research & Analysis

60% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider

Interactive Brokers Video Review

In this video review of Interactive Brokers we trade live on a real account and highlight some of the key platform features.

60% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider

Interactive Brokers Facts & Figures

IBKR CFD Markets
Over 5230
πŸ‘‰ Forex Pairs100
πŸ‘‰ Commodities20
πŸ‘‰ Indices13
πŸ‘‰ UK Stocks500
πŸ‘‰ US Stocks3500
πŸ‘‰ ETFs1100
IBKR Key Info
πŸ‘‰ Number Active Clients1750000
πŸ’° Minimum Deposit$0
❔ Inactivity Fee$0
πŸ“… Founded1977
⬜ Public Companyβœ”οΈ
🏒 HQGreenwich, Connecticut
IBKR Account Types
➑️ CFD Tradingβœ”οΈ
➑️ Forex Tradingβœ”οΈ
➑️ Spread Betting❌
➑️ DMA (Direct Market Access)βœ”οΈ
➑️ Futures Tradingβœ”οΈ
➑️ Options Tradingβœ”οΈ
➑️ Investing Accountβœ”οΈ
IBKR Average Costs
➑️ FTSE 1000.005%
➑️ DAX 300.005%
➑️ DJIA0.005%
➑️ NASDAQ0.005%
➑️ S&P 5000.005%
➑️ EURUSD0.0008%
➑️ GBPUSD0.0008%
➑️ USDJPY0.0008%
➑️ Gold0.0007%
➑️ Crude Oil0.0007%
➑️ UK Stocks0.02%
➑️US Stocks0.003%

60% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider

Interactive Brokers News

Interactive Brokers FAQ

Yes, very. We rate Interactive Brokers as safe as they are one of the largest investment platforms in the world and excel in almost every category compared to peers in our matrix. For UK customers funds are protected by the FSCS, and you can keep an eye on the company’s health by following its share price on the NASDAQ (IBKR:NASDAQ).

Yes, as well as providing brokerage services for banks, professionals and hedge funds beginners can also access similar pricing and market access through the Web Portal and IBKR mobile apps.Β 

Yes, UK investors and traders can use IBKR. The UK entity is regulated by the FCA and has an office on Fenchurch Street in the City of London. Interactive Brokers offers, CFDs, futures and options and physical investing through a GIA, ISA or SIPP account in the UK.

There is no minimum deposit to open an account with Interactive Brokers. You can open an account without depositing funds, they once you are familiar with the platforms and investment features, you can deposit funds at a later date. It is also free to deposit funds via Wire transfer, or you can deposit via your Wise account.

No, Interactive Brokers does not offer financial spread betting. However, you are able to trade the spread between different futures contracts through futures spreads. You can see a list of brokers that offer financial spread betting here.

The current Interactive Brokers (NASDAQ:IBKR) share price is $169 which is a change of -4.94 or -2.84% from the last closing price of 173.94 with 3,270,246 shares traded giving NASDAQ:IBKR a market capitalisation of $71,423,608,100. The most recent daily high has been 173 and daily low 166.38. The NASDAQ:IBKR share price 52 week high has been 236.53 and the 52 week low 103.69. Based on the most recent NASDAQ:IBKR share price opening of 169, the current NASDAQ:IBKR EPS (earnings per share) are 6.93 and the PE (price earnings ratio) is 24.4.

IBKR share price pricing data last updated: 16:00 27-Mar-2025

Yes, Interactive Brokers has some of the best interest rates on uninvested cash. You can compare the best cash on uninvested cash rates from investment platforms here.

Capital at risk
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