Can you buy index funds through Interactive Investor?

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Interactive Investor

Yes, you can invest in a huge range of index funds (including Vanguard funds) when you have a GIA, ISA or SIPP account with Interactive Investor.

Interactive Investor Index Fund Investing Review
Interactive Investor

Name: Interactive Investor Index Fund Investing Review

Description: Interactive Investor offer a wide range of index tracker funds. You can either pick your own or choose from some featured funds from their Super 60 investment list.
Capital at risk.


A good choice for large index fund portfolios, as they offer good coverage and the fixed-fee model means that the bigger your account size gets, your costs stay the same.

Fees: *Fund dealing commissions are a free trade every month, then charged Β£7.99 or upgrade to a Β£19.99 β€œSuper Investor” account 2 free monthly trades and deal for Β£3.99. Regular investing is free.


  • Fixed account fee of Β£9.99*
  • Β£1 minimum deposit


  • Fixed fee not great for very small accounts
  • Pricing
  • Market Access
  • Online Platform
  • Customer Service
  • Research & Analysis
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