When you have a poor credit score, perhaps because of bankruptcy or some form of previous default, you can begin to rebuild your score using these cards. For those with credit problems here are our top ten bad credit credit cards.
Use our guide to the top ten best bad credit credit cards to find the right card which will likey enable you to spend on credit if you have bad credit.
What is a bad credit credit card?
A bad credit credit card is aΒ credit cardΒ for people with a poor credit history who struggle to get credit. These cards have tougher eligibility criteria than a standard credit card, but they help people improve their credit score if they make payments on time, while being able to borrow short term.
A bad credit score usually arises because people have not borrowed at all or have patchy borrowing histories, which means lenders cannot be certain how reliable the borrower will be in making repayments. Alternatively, a borrower failed to make payments or has a country court judgement (CCJ) against them.
To find out more about your financial history try the free service CreditWise. It offers tips on how to improve your score and lets you keep an eye on your history. It also offers a way to check eligibility criteria without applying directly. This avoids any rejections negatively impacting on your existing credit score.
It is important that bad credit credit cards are not used to try and get out of debt. If you fail to make a repayment, they have high-interest rates which makes debt far harder to manage and can make your credit score much worse.
How do bad credit cards work?
Poor credit histories need not be permanent. Borrowers cause a bad credit credit card to reverse their histories by proving they can borrow responsibly.
Borrowers need to meet eligibility criteria when they apply, and these will vary across providers. Applications are typically made online. It can be a good idea to use an eligibility criteria checker before applying officially, since a rejection from a lender can bring down an already low credit score. Lenders will look for evidence or failed payments, CCJs, numerous existing cards and whether you are a registered UK voter.
A bad credit credit card is given to those with poor credit histories to demonstrate they can repay debt in time and in full. The lender sets strict borrowing limits and imposes a high APR as recompense for lending to those who have poor histories. So long as the lender repays their debt and sticks to the rules, they will improve their credit score over time. This allows them to borrow more easily on favourable terms in future.
How does a bad credit credit card differ from a credit building credit card?
There is not a great deal of difference between a bad credit credit card and a credit builder card. As the names imply, bad credit credit cards help repair a poor score based on a questionable lending record. Credit building cards help those without a credit history to demonstrate they are responsible borrowers. Both types of card have similar eligibility criteria and impose high APRs.
What are the benefits of using a bad credit credit card?
Without a decent credit history, it is difficult for lenders to take on a borrower. Bad credit credit cards can improve credit history and make it easier to borrow money in the future, on more favourable terms. They are useful for short-term borrowing where borrowers are not able to access loans.
What are the downsides of bad credit credit card?
Bad credit credit cards can be disastrous if the borrower cannot keep up with repayments. Not only will they add to their debt through high APR, but they will undermine their credit score yet further. Bad credit credit cards typically offer lower borrowing limits than other credit cards.
Bad credit credit cards should never be used for taking out cash nor should they be used to clear debt; they are expensive and serve to improve credit scores only if you are able to honour the lenderβs terms.
Five ways to improve your credit score:
- Repay your debts in full and on time
- Close unused accounts
- Do not apply for too many credit cards
- Build a credit history
- Register to vote
Different Types of Credit Card
All Credit Cards
Everyday credit cards offer you the most flexibility for everyday use while having a reasonable interest rate, a balance transfer option and an initial interest-free period on purchases.
Balance Transfer Credit Cards
Astute credit card holders know they can shop around for a new card and transfer the balance from their old one, benefiting from a lower interest rate or even an interest-free period. Balance transfer credit cards are also a great way to consolidate debt from several cards to one.
Rewards Credit Cards
Reward credit cards are an easy way to earn hundreds of pounds in bonuses, just for your normal spending. But while some offers look valuable, you might be paying through the nose in interest fees. Also, consider whether the rewards offered are worthwhile to you.
Cash Back Credit Cards
Youβll be familiar with the cashback concept, where you earn rewards in the form of money or credit on your account when you spend. You must shop around as the βearn rateβ varies, while some cards affiliated to a brand reward more for spending with that brand.
Travel Credit Cards
Donβt get hit by high fees when using your credit card abroad. Look for a credit card that offers no fees on foreign transactions and preferably some rewards as well.
Bad Credit Credit Cards
When you have a poor credit score, perhaps because of bankruptcy or some form of previous default, you can begin to rebuild your score using these cards. For those with credit problems here are our top ten bad credit credit cards.
Money Transfer Credit Cards
Using a credit card to pay off your expensive bank overdraft (or another loan) makes total sense when you can do so interest-free. Therefore, look for a card that has the longest 0% money transfer period and pay off as much as you can from the card quickly.
Air Miles Credit Cards
Bag yourself free travel simply by spending on your credit card. But select your card carefully as only some offer air miles, and some are more generous than others.
Purchase Credit Cards
If you use your credit card simply for purchases and are not concerned about balance transfers and other perks, you need to look at any interest-free purchase promotional period, followed by an ongoing generous low APR.