Apple Inc. share price, charts, analysis and forecast [AAPL]

Home > Share Prices > Apple Inc. share price (AAPL)

The current Apple share price today is $217.9 (as of 16:00 28-Mar-2025) which is a change of -5.95 or -2.66% from the last closing price of 223.85. But what is the Apple share price forecast? Our Apple share price analysis and market data includes key financials, earnings estimates, peer performance, dividends, news and a company profile that will give you an indication as to whether this stock is a buy, sell or hold.

Apple Share Price (AAPL) Quote & Overview

This section shows the most important aspects of the current Apple AAPL:US share price including price, change, bid/offer spread and volume.

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It currently costs 217.9 to buy one share in Apple Inc. (as of 16:00 28-Mar-2025) which is a change of -5.95 or -2.66% from the last closing price of 223.85. To buy shares in Apple Inc. you will need a stock trading platform like City Index, Pepperstone or Spreadex.

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Is Apple Inc. A Good Investment?

The below Apple Inc. share price analysis and market data includes key financials, earnings estimates, peer performance, dividends, news and a company profile that will give you an indication as to whether this stock is a buy, sell or hold.

Apple (AAPL) Company Financials

This section shows current and previous Apple AAPL:US profit and loss information like revenue, income, expenses and earnings per share.

Apple (AAPL) Earnings Estimates & Forecasts

This section shows how analysts expect the Apple AAPL:US share price to perform in the future based on their earnings reports and estimates. It gives an overview of future short, long and medium term price targets as well as previous earnings reports.

Apple (AAPL) Financial Summary

This section allows you to compare Apple AAPL:US revenue, net income, cash flow statement and balance sheet against previous years. This can give you a good indication of how well a company is performing.

Apple (AAPL) Share Price History

This section provides a visual and table view of the historic Apple AAPL:US share price including volume and VWAP which can be adjusted for splits and dividends.

Apple (AAPL) Interactive Chart

This section allows you to compare Apple AAPL:US share price chart against other stocks as well as overlay key events like dividends, earnings and splits.

Apple (AAPL) Dividends

This section analyses the historic and upcoming Apple AAPL:US dividend amounts, dates and yields. It provides a good indication of potential future and past profitability.

Apple (AAPL) Corporate Events

This section shows key dates in Apple AAPL:US corporate calendar like company announcements, earnings releases, stock splits, and fundamental data chances like EPS updates.

Apple (AAPL) Share Price Performance

This section shows key Apple AAPL:US share price levels like recent highs and lows, plus gives you tools to see average day traded volumes and institutional share holders major buys and sells.

Apple (AAPL) Share Price News

This section shows new stories that are relevant to and may effect or explain changes in Apple AAPL:US share price.

Apple (AAPL) Company Profile

This section provides corporate information on Apple AAPL:US, including what they do, their contact details, their CEO and auditor as well as in what sectors their shares trade.

Apple Share Price FAQs

The current Apple share price is $217.9 (As of 16:00 28-Mar-2025) which is a change of -5.95 or -2.66% from the last closing price of 223.85 with 39,791,835 shares traded giving NASDAQ:AAPL a market capitalisation of $3,276,751,781,216. The most recent daily high has been 223.81 and daily low 217.68. The NASDAQ:AAPL share price 52 week high has been 260.09 and the 52 week low 164.08. Based on the most recent NASDAQ:AAPL share price opening of 217.9, the current NASDAQ:AAPL EPS (earnings per share) are 6.29 and the PE (price earnings ratio) is 34.64.

As a company, Apple is worth $3,276,751,781,216. This is the market capitalisation figure which is the price of each share multiplied by how many shares are available.

You can buy shares in Apple from the UK with an FCA-regulated stock broker that provides access to US stocks. Read the full guide to see the potential risks and rewards or buying Apple stock as a UK investor.

The Apple share price has dropped recently because it has been trading near all-time highs. The Apple share price also fell after the stock market’s muted reaction to the iPhone 15.

Apple’s IPO price was $22 when the company first listed on the stock exchange. But, there have been a few stock splits (to make the stock cheaper for investors to buy), so taking them into account the adjusted AAPL IPO price would have been $0.098 per share.

For reference, the Apple Stock splits have been:

  • June 16, 1987: 2-for-1 split
  • June 21, 2000: 2-for-1 split
  • February 28, 2005: 2-for-1 split
  • June 9, 2014: 7-for-1 split
  • August 31, 2020: 4-for-1 split

If you think shares in Apple are going to go up, then you should buy them. But, beware Apple is a volatile stock and despite being a stellar performer in the stock market and being responsible for making many share holders rich, past performance is not an indication of future performance.

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