Is Hargreaves Lansdown good for ETF Investing?

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ETF Investing Platforms

We rate Hargreaves Lansdown as one of the best ETF investment accounts as HL has access to a huge range of UK and international Exchange Traded Funds. Plus the costs of holding ETFs are capped as they fall into their stocks and shares category.

Hargreaves Lansdown’s ETF platform offers a huge range of exchange-traded funds tailored to various investment strategies. They also have an expert research team that provides ETF investing ideas.

Overall, HL is a very reliable way to invest in ETFs with one of the UK’s largest investment platforms.

ETF dealing info:

  • ETFs available: 1,000+
  • ETF account charge: £0 – 0.45%
  • ETF dealing charge: £11.95
  • Account types: GIA, ISA, SIPP, JISA, JSIPP

ETF dealing fees: 

There is no account charge to hold ETFs in a Hargreaves Lansdown dealing account. But in a SIPP and ISA ETFs are charged at 0.45% capped at £45 per year. ETF dealing charges £11.95 per deal or £5.95 if you do over 20 deals per month.

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