How do you buy shares in Marks & Spencer (LON:MKS)

Home > Investing > How do you buy shares in Marks & Spencer (LON:MKS)
Marks and Spencer Share Price Analysis LON-MKS

To buy shares in Marks & Spencer (LON:MKS), you need a share trading or share dealing account. Follow these three steps if you want to buy shares in Marks & Spencer:

  1. Decide if you want to buy Marks & Spencer shares in the short-term or invest in the long-term
  2. Compare share dealing and trading fees in our comparison tables
  3. Choose which broker is right for you and open an account

What is the live Marks & Spencer share price (LON:MKS)?

The current LON:MKS share price is 329.2p which is a change of -3.4 or -1.02% from the last closing price of 329.2 with 8,060,981 shares traded giving LON:MKS a market capitalisation of £6,753,577,754. The most recent daily high has been 337.5 and daily low 327.6. The LON:MKS share price 52 week high has been 415.3 and the 52 week low 229.6. Based on the most recent LON:MKS share price opening of 329.2, the current LON:MKS EPS (earnings per share) are 0.24 and the PE (price earnings ratio) is 13.61.

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