Best GBP To EUR Exchange Rate Comparison

Today’s Best GBP to EUR Exchange Rate is:

1 GBP = 1.201865 EUR

This is the inter-bank mid-market price and has moved -0.36% from the previous days closing price. Over a week GBPEUR is -0.36%, compared to it’s change over a month of 0.28% and one year of 4.29%. Our GBPEUR exchange rate data is updated every 15 minutes.

Compare The Best GBP EUR Exchange Rates For Sending Pound Sterling To Euros

You can use our comparison tools and guides to help you get the best GBP to EUR exchange rates for sending large amounts of Pound Sterling abroad to Euros through currency brokers or smaller amounts through money transfer apps.

Please note: The rates displayed in this currency conversion quote tool are supplied to us directly from the currency brokers as a percentage mark-up. Please ensure you read our guide to getting the best exchange rates guide.

Best GBPEUR Exchange Rates For Large Transfers

Currency brokers can offer the best GBP to EUR exchange rates for sending large amounts of pound sterling to euros.

Currency BrokerNumber of CurrenciesMin TransferForward ContractsSame DayCurrency OptionsGMG RatingGet Quote
Currencies Direct Currency Broker40£10012 months✔️
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TorFX Currency Broker40£10024 months✔️
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OFX Currency Brokerage55+£25012 months✔️
Request Quote
Global Reach Currency Broker30+£3,00024 months✔️✔️
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Best GBPEUR Exchange Rates For Small Transfers

Money transfer apps can offer the best GBP to EUR exchange rates for sending small amounts of pound sterling to euros.

Money Transfer AppCurrencies AvailableMin TransferMax TransferBank TransferCredit CardDebit CardCash AcceptedGMG RatingMore Info
Wise Money Transfers50£1£1m✔️✔️✔️
See Rates
Western Union Money Transfers130£1£50k✔️✔️✔️✔️
See Rates
Remitly Money Transfers75£1£5k✔️✔️✔️
See Rates
Xe money transfers98£1£500k✔️✔️✔️
See Rates

Best GBP To EUR Conversion Rate Table

You can use the below table of the most popular amounts of GBPEUR to quickly see how many Euros there are in Pounds and vice-versa.

Pound Sterling To Euros (GBPEUR)


Euros To Pound Sterling (EURGBP)


Pound Sterling (GBP) Versus Euro (EUR): Key Facts

🏷️ Currency:Pound Sterling
💲 Symbol:£
🔤 ISO Code:GBP
🪙 Minor Unit:Penny (100 pence = 1 pound)
🔢 Subunit Symbol:p
📜 Legal Tender:UK, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies
🌍 Popularity:4th most traded currency
📖 History:Oldest currency still in use
🏦 Central Bank:Bank of England
💱 Exchange Rate Influence:Paired with USD, EUR in forex markets
📝 Nickname: Cable, Quid

🏷️ Currency:Euro
💲 Symbol:
🔤 ISO Code:EUR
🪙 Minor Unit:Cent (100 cents = 1 euro)
🔢 Subunit Symbol:c
📜 Legal Tender:Eurozone (19 of the 27 EU countries)
🌍 Popularity:2nd most traded currency
📖 History:Introduced in 1999
🏦 Central Bank:European Central Bank
💱 Exchange Rate Influence:Paired with USD, significant in international trade
📝 Nickname:Fiber

Featured Currency Accounts Offering The Best GBPEUR Exchange Rates

GBP To EUR Exchange Rate Fee Calculator

Make sure you get the best Pound Sterling to Euro exchange rate when  you send money abroad and use our mark-up calculator to see how much commission a money transfer app or currency broker is charging you.

Enter the exchange rate at the time of your transaction.
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GBP & EUR Exchange Rates Against Major Currencies

Best GBP exchange rates versus other G10 currencies:

GBP to AUD2.0134
GBP to CAD1.80447
GBP to EUR1.201865
GBP to JPY197.916
GBP to NZD2.2268
GBP to NOK14.2705
GBP to SEK13.8344
GBP to CHF1.12586
GBP to USD1.25265

Best EUR exchange rates versus other G10 currencies

EUR to AUD 1.67523
EUR to CAD 1.501395
EUR to GBP 0.83204
EUR to JPY 164.673
EUR to NZD 1.8532
EUR to NOK 11.87364
EUR to SEK 11.5117
EUR to CHF 0.93676
EUR to USD 1.04225
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