Today’s Avacta share price is 72.9p (as of 06/09/2024 17:07) which is a change of 1.4 or 1.96% from the last closing price of 72.9 with 1,730,930 shares traded giving Avacta a market capitalisation of £264,014,426. The most recent daily high has been 73 and daily low 70.65. The Avacta share price 52 week high has been 166.98 and the 52 week low 39.5. Based on the most recent Avacta share price opening of 72.9, the current Avacta EPS (earnings per share) are 0.09 and the PE (price earnings ratio) is n/a.
Avacta Share Price Chart
Avacta Share Price Analysis & Forecasts
Avacta shares are approaching 6 month highs, are they still a buy?
9th October 2023
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Avacta Life Sciences Group Plc ( is a small-cap biotech company. Two key divisions support the health company: Oncology drug development (Therapeutics) and Diagnostics. The latter is about expanding the in-vitro diagnostics business to support the medical profession; while the former is about leveraging its proprietary pre|CISION and Affirmer platforms to develop cancer therapies. What makes Avacta